I was really captured by the Great Society Program begun by President Johnson. I told Daddy that I thought this was the correct thing to do: to give our country’s citizens a fair shake at a new beginning; it just seemed relative to the Civil Rights movement, and I saw the president’s vision as nothing short of admirable.
Daddy was a fair man but a bit more cautious; he agreed that President Johnson’s ideas were based on many good and righteous things. No one could argue against a war on poverty; but in Daddy’s experience, he argued that giving something to people in need didn’t necessarily make them stronger; nor did it teach them to take care of themselves. Daddy understood the human limitations in the president’s vision.
So, what did the Great Society actually accomplish?
Unfortunately, carpetbaggers selling a great society still exist some forty years later; some as intimidating and as mesmerizing as filmdom’s Elmer Gantry…perhaps that classic should be written into the curriculum for the junior high level. I say junior high because of the great number of emotions and popular fads that tend to distract an already difficult and distracting decade for teenagers.
Sadly, one needn’t research Hollywood’s files to recognize the DNA of carpetbaggers. They exist in current pop culture as well as political arenas; unfortunately, the more fantastic the dog and pony show, the more effective; especially on the lesser educated masses.
How our country has cheated our native born youth is despicable. My assumption that all American children had access to an excellent education was quickly corrected once I experienced some conversations in a nation-wide call center. For over ten years, I discovered an ever decreasing, socially inept group of individuals from all races and ethnicities (no one region of our country was left untouched). Sadly, on any given day a number of calls would display the following traits:
Ignorant; these individuals thru no fault of their own could not read at a third grade level; they often struggled to read the manuals and, in some cases, had to be walked through the simplest instructions. Funny how polite and thankful they could be…
Stupid; these individuals had, to their own credit, honed a “you can’t teach me anything; I already know” attitude; odd that several of them were degreed and in the professions; their natural layman’s sixth sense had been woefully affected by too many tight neck ties …
Illiterate; these individuals were often harder to discern; one had to listen carefully; then, when they walked through the step by step instructions referencing only the illustrations, it was at that point the light bulb went on! One realized just how dependent they were on others to survive in our written word world. They rarely admitted their inability; often, they profusely thanked me for being so patient.
Uncivil; in this group, individuals could sling insults and four letter words at an incredible speed! They hurled them at both men and women representatives (they were extremely even-handed in their brusque manner). As the years passed, their language (always unprintable) increased beyond incredible!!!
Apparently, arrogance has slowly replaced much of the civility of social graces; like mob rule. Supported by a group mentality, a bad attitude offers not only strength in numbers but also bi-partisan money-making opportunities by keeping victims at hand. A few irresponsible individuals in protest, available to argue their talking point entitlements, make for great drama, especially on YouTube.
Perhaps we need to redefine the term: Affirmative Action.
Let America’s citizenry affirm:
- That legal Americans only (by birth or process of naturalization) can work to further their education.
- Let the border states uphold both their own states’ laws and the constitutional republic’s laws.
- When possible, subject captured illegals to either deportation or community service – let them work for the money our country gives them in hospital care and other program services.
We have youth of all ethnic groups that were born here. They are being used, demeaned, and ignored while politicians clamor for this year’s electoral votes. I am appalled that we are still cheating the youth of this country, just because they do not meet the “hot minority of the moment”.
You are being used by politically savvy mouthpieces… wake up! Demand better! Or, better yet, leave the party and vote independently…YOUR voice of disgust and embarrassment over these political hacks must be heard!
We don’t need Spain sending representatives over to count our ballot boxes. We need upstanding citizens answering to their local county clerk and volunteering to count the ballots. If you remember nothing else, a constitutional republic begins with WE THE PEOPLE. Exert your independent voice and get involved before your citizenship is declared moot.