Winifred Elizabeth, you come right back here! NOW!
Nothing intimidated Brat, not even hearing her given name. Whenever she was totally ticked off or didn’t like following the rules – not even at Big Sis’ house – she was ready to leave, even if it meant having to walk home by herself.
Big Sis didn’t drive either; just like Mom, she chose to become a homemaker and care for a family and house. So, when we two baby sisters had the opportunity to walk to Big Sis’ home and play with her kids, we eagerly walked the not quite mile and a half to their home on Courtyard.
Young lady, I said come back here. Turn around this minute!
For the most part, visits ran smoothly. I helped as the little mother of the gang, making sure my nieces (two) and nephew (only one then) were well guarded and cared for. The baby girl in the crib could stand up and watch her siblings playing outside. Winifred aka Brat was more than likely tying ropes and playing horse. She would delight our nieces and nephew with her horse imitations. Winnie could trot, neigh, stomp, and even count with her “hoof”! At times she’d almost make you believe she had swallowed a pony! Her movements were every bit theatrical, but the fact that she so put her heart in the entire act could be spellbinding to small children. Even adults (who might have imbibed a bit too much the night before) took a second take when she was into character….I normally just went inside, too humiliated to smile or explain.
As a rule, Winnie and I could stay as long as we wanted. Sometimes, we could stay and have dinner which was a big treat for us, because Sis made dessert every night. Daddy would gladly pick us up in the evening, knowing that his eldest would have a sweet treat waiting for him.
Our brother-in-law was no fool. The quintessential only child, He was having a tough time acclimating to the entire sibling situation; he’d never had to deal with little sisters until he married our Sis. A few years later, he not only had to contend with us, but now had three kids of his own who never left or even threatened to walk off.
Some days were longer than most when he worked a second job or attended school at night. On the bright side, he could escape our little sister visits easily enough on those days. On occasion, the tell tale sign of a rope still knotted about the inside doorknob of the hall door hinted that little sisters had been on the premises once again.
I see your sisters were here today.
Finding ropes on his home doorknobs didn’t exactly endear us to him. But his house was in order always when he arrived home, Sis having picked up the remainder of any evidence that three little critters had enjoyed another play day with their aunts.