Having taken the opportunity to visit one of America’s premier garden shows, I paid $18.00 a ticket; still ticket shocked, I walked through the gate inside the Cow Palace with really great expectations of viewing exceptional plantings and ground coverings, hopefully some that I might duplicate in my own garden on Esteban.
Unfortunately, I believe the focus this particular year was on little watering and conservative, low maintenance gardening. So, if you can picture a bunch of weed-like, cactus-like, native-like things growing out of the ground, you can picture accurately enough a good many of the display gardens to view. If these postage-size patio spaces are indeed indicative of living spaces, where was Life’s Breath with or without smoking? Patio living was now a one-chair space for the Me Generation; hiding places with recirculated water…Gone were any gardens welcoming family and neighbors’ kids into the backyard for a barbeque, cold drink, or playtime. These were gardens to view from outside the property line.
So, I’m going back to my trusty, well-worn garden books and the yearly visit to the summer fair grounds should I want to review “new” ideas in gardens for God’s living creatures. It’s cheaper to play worm digging in my own soil, and infinitely more gratifying sharing the beauty and the house wine with those who wish to linger here.